Virindi HUDs

From VirindiPlugins
Revision as of 14:42, 6 June 2010 by Darktorizo (talk | contribs)
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Virindi HUDs provides user HUDs using Virindi Views. It is part of the Virindi Plugin Bundle and requires Virindi Views to be enabled in order to operate.

Currently included are the Comps HUD, VTank Remote Control, VVS Chat Window, Status HUD, and H/S/M Bar. Each component can be individually turned on and off.

Vhuds all.png

Comps HUD

The Comps HUD is capable of tracking the count of any type of item in your inventory. Item types added to the list are tracked on a character-by-character basis.

Vhuds compshud.png

VTank Remote Control

Vhuds vtremote.png

Status HUD

The Status HUD is a display containing a number of user-selected property values. Some properties are included, and other plugins may contribute additional properties.

Vhuds statushud.png

H/S/M Bar

The H/S/M Bar is designed as an "alternative" to the Native AC UI one.